Glitch Mill

[glitch@mill ~]$ whoami

Hello There Friend, It's either you stumbles upon here or you knew what you were searching for.

Either ways You're going to learn a lot now.

How Rude of me, I am Glitch Mill. The alias I am taking now till the end of this website.

I am a CS guy, I love CS. I am a btw user too, I love to Mess with stuff.

Why did I make this website?

First, It's cool. Then It's my own place. Nobody can censor me, Nobody can tell me What I can or can't. This is my Place here.

Second, To make myself accountable again, I've been a slumber lately. I need a win to get out of it. This is the win. Not a Great one or a Major one. But they shall follow

Also I need a diary too, So I got this up :shrug:

What Can You? expect from this is website?

Alot of Mr Robot esque Rants and Rambles, Some Cool aah Projects and alot of My Personal Diary :3